Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Effectiveness of Flextime as an Organizational Intervention Free Essay Example, 750 words

Flextime scheduling has numerous benefits for both the organization and the individual workers involved in this scheme. Workers that take the most advantage of flextime scheduling are women working in integrated careers. Flextime scheduling is most favorable for women working in large corporations at the managerial or executive level. The converse is true for men. Large corporations employing men at the managerial and executive-level are less likely to see men take advantage of flextime schedules. Societal and corporate culture, fear of ostracism by peers and stigmatization of part-time work for male employees are possible contributors to this reality. Men find their most available and acceptable flextime scheduling when they work for small companies at the executive or managerial level. Flextime scheduling is quickly becoming more than an issue of recruiting. More than half of the workforce is female. More women are earning college degrees than men. Many businesses are find ing that hardworking, competent women are just hitting their professional stride when they decide that childbearing and rearing is more important than their career. This lost experience is costly to businesses. Two-thirds of all women say that having the ability to work a flexible schedule that balances work and life responsibilities is very important for them. Companies are finding that once women leave their firms to raise children only 5% return to the same company (Huff, 2005). Younger employees are demanding flexibility in scheduling their workday. Companies that refuse to respond to this ignore the request at their own peril. Flextime has become a primary means of retaining talent, especially women that want to raise a family and continue to work. This demographic is predicted to rise by 16% over the next decade. While flextime appears to offer women executives incredible freedom, some are finding that there is a cost associated with employing this benefit. Certain jo b titles, such as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) appear to be more resistant to flextime than other executive positions. We will write a custom essay sample on Effectiveness of Flextime as an Organizational Intervention or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now

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